Saturday, January 30, 2010

Book Two -- I will Survive -- A Survivor's Tale of Divorce -- Beginning Notes

I do have a very nice introduction written for this book, but I am not going to include it here. The introduction does a great job of explaining past history I think the reader ought to know, but if you simultaneously read the Life Story entries on the blog you'll eventually be getting all of that information and more!
Yes, this book is also a true story, and all the names have been changed to protect the guilty, but if you know me it won't be hard to figure out!
So the next entry will actually be chapter one and starts right in with all the meat. The only important thing you miss from the introduction is that eventually there is a very happy ending - even though the only things written now seem to entirely mired in depression -- eventually it all gets better, if you can stay with it that long!
Thanks for reading!

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