Through out my life I have often been told that I should write my life story. While I have not yet completed a comprehensive beginning to end novel, I have written chapters. Some of the chapters of my life are the equivalent of whole books in and of themselves. Once or twice I have made attempts to publish my work, but the process is exceptionally overwhelming and time consuming. So, for now I've decided to use this blog as a means to publish my work.
Putting your work out into the world always involves risk. You never know how people are going to react. I always feel trepidation about my work, because my writing contains my soul; all of my deep dark secrets. I write with the thought that someone else could be inspired by my story. The problem with my stories is that they reveal my thoughts and other parts of my life that many people who know me, really don't know. So I worry that by putting my reality out there that I will severe ties with the few people I still have in my life. However, I believe in my work strongly enough that I have finally decided to take that leap.
I hope as you read that if you know me, you will temper all judgement. If you don't know me, I hope you can find the inspiration that is is hidden behind my meaning. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Thanks for sharing this, Jen -- takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there this way. My hat's off to you.